A word from Vizique

While a busy price up and down especially sub 20K may be a bit of a pain, remember the innovations we have lined up to come out of the door!

Add to this a general battering of all digital currencies and you begin to see that while we are in stormy waters, of all the Alts, we have not only the development pathway but the key support of devs, investors and users. We make no claims that can’t be backed up, we develop UNIQUE and cutting edge technologies that are what they say they are.

BlackCoin is a coin of substance and growing reputation. Now while it may seem, in the disgracefully small world of crypto, that one or two naysayers/FUDDERs have a big voice, out there in the real world, they are mere squeaks in the wind and in the board room we are talked about for the right reasons. A store of value, high speed transactions… those 2 core elements alone make us a talking point, add to that all the other stuff and suddenly we’re a product and a service that has real world applications, and as we are the proof of concept, any clones will always refer to us. This is also known by the business people out there that want to join in. Why get a copy when the real thing is much better. 

And again I will reiterate the power of presence. Going to conferences, meetings and seminars all go to make a difference. Boots on the ground.

Last week I sold a colleague of Jon Matonis (yes, the Exec Director of Bitcoin Foundation) £5.00 of BTC on the spot in an Expo (for digital payment processing - not the most exciting expo I’ve been to but probably one of the most important!) with a Coinkite Terminal. The joy in the faces and eyes as they see this stuff working in the real world in indescribable. And in doing that I made a connection with a pay processor there and then who said, call me, we need to talk. So, that is business tasking us to talk to them, not the other way around. See the value here?

So this message goes to all coins developers, owners and people. If you’re serious about your coin, get away from that screen and take it to the people, otherwise you’re just another ****coin in the virtual space. Going places… it’s working for BlackCoin…. 

Is there a future for BlackCoin?

Hell yeah! We are making that future as every day goes by. We have teams of developers working on various projects, some big some small. We have Sales people looking for new merchants, we have people looking to invest in new ideas and innovations. We are quite possibly the strongest coin out there next to BTC right now. 

We have an entire City being moved towards BlackCoin adoption by the end of the year in an exciting social and economic experiment. We have a global network of people working hard to make BlackCoin a success. This isn’t about one or two people, BlackCoin is too big for that now. This is (and always has been) a team game and we’re winning Wink Keep it up.

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Blackcoin is my hobby, not sold one single coin since 24 februari 2014!
One comment
  1. Blackcoiner

    June 17, 2014 at 02:49

    There are a lot of typos/errors — the way blackcoin presents itself is important. I would like to see this edited to show correctly. Thanks! I love blackcoin. :)